Cybersecurity services

Security is a top priority in today's digital landscape. Our team of security professionals will ensure that your software is secure and protected against potential threats. We use a variety of techniques, including code reviews, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments, to identify and address potential security risks.

Cybersecurity services
Shielding your digital realm

At Bulcode, we understand that each organisation's security needs are unique. Therefore, we tailor our services to address your specific challenges and risks. Our comprehensive IT Security offerings encompass a range of vital components:

Risk assessment

Our seasoned experts conduct thorough assessments to identify vulnerabilities, analyse potential threats, and determine the level of security required to shield your valuable assets effectively.

Network security

We deploy robust measures, such as advanced firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS), secure Wi-Fi configurations, and virtual private networks (VPNs), to safeguard your networks from unauthorised access, network attacks, and data breaches.

Endpoint security

Bulcode ensures the protection of individual devices, including computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Our state-of-the-art antivirus software, anti-malware tools, and encryption solutions shield against malware infections, data loss, and unauthorised access.

Data encryption

We employ cutting-edge encryption technologies to transform your sensitive information into an unreadable format, ensuring its confidentiality and preventing unauthorised access or interception, both at rest and in transit.

Incident response

In the event of a security incident, our agile incident response team swiftly detects and contains breaches, minimising damage and restoring your systems to normalcy with minimal disruption to your operations.

Security awareness and training

Bulcode places great emphasis on empowering your personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to recognise and mitigate security risks. Our comprehensive training programs foster a security-conscious culture and equip your team with best practices.

Security auditing and compliance

We conduct thorough security audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing to evaluate the effectiveness of your security controls. Our compliance experts ensure that your organisation adheres to relevant regulations and industry standards.

Disaster recovery and business continuity

Bulcode assists in creating robust disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Through data backups, off-site storage, and redundant systems, we ensure you can swiftly recover and resume operations in the face of disruptive incidents.

Bulcode: Turn your security mode on

With Bulcode's IT Security services, you gain a trusted partner dedicated to fortifying your digital frontier. Our comprehensive solutions and unwavering commitment to excellence ensure that your systems, networks, and data remain resilient against the ever-evolving threat landscape. Trust in Bulcode to safeguard your digital assets and secure your organisation's future.

Our projects

Erad - non-dilutive funding and payments in the middle eastErad - non-dilutive funding and payments in the middle east

Erad - non-dilutive funding and payments in the middle east


Experience the power of non-dilutive funding and accelerated growth in the dynamic landscape of the Middle East with Erad. Their game-changing platform empowers startups by seamlessly connecting their sales, marketing, and banking data with the available 50+ payment and data provider integrations. Within a mere 48 hours, unlock a world of possibilities as you receive a tailored offer that fuels your expansion. And the repayments are flexible based on your sales, so you can focus on growing your startup without worrying about fixed payment plans. But that's not all - their platform also provides a dashboard that includes in-depth analysis and key insights about your business. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and optimise your growth strategies. With Erad as your trusted partner, embrace a future where funding and payments become effortless, propelling your startup towards unparalleled growth.

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    Svetoslava Angelova

    Svetoslava Angelova

    Head of Delivery

    Lock it, block it, Bulcode rock it!

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